I hate exercise.
Always have always will.
I used to pretend to be ill on PE days at school or forget my kit in any attempt to get out of PE. I am not really sure why because when it came to sports days I loved it. The only thing I was ever good at in PE was running, fast 100m/200m running and then spending the next 40 minutes watching the boys running.
I was lucky when I was a teenager though, I could eat what I wanted when I wanted and not gain any weight. It was great and I never appreciated it until it was gone. When I was about 17 I started to loose that beautiful teenage metabolism and went from a size 6 to a size 10. I remember not really noticing it happening and then one day at sixth form someone who was my friend said to me 'you are turning into a heffer' and from that day I was like ooooooooooooooh shit I need to do something.
So ever since the age of about 17 I have tried all sorts of things to keep me at my size 10 figure. I am not trying to gloat or tell you things are amazing but I like my figure, there are of course things I would change but in general I would rather have some squishy bits than look like a bean pole with no boobs or bum. Here are my tips and tricks I have picked up to help keep my body at the size I like.
Number 1 - Healthy eating
This is a tough one because I am a chocoholic but 3 days a week I try not to consume anything bad for me. I will have fruit for breakfast, cereal or salad for lunch followed by 2 cups of green tea and something yummy for dinner followed by more fruit. I cannot tell you how good I feel on these days, it's like my body goes 'Phew! Thanks' and if you want to keep your weight down or loose weight try doing this 5 days a week. It really is good, but remember not to gorge on the bad stuff the other days just take have it in moderation. My other tip is making your snacks healthy going for things like nuts or berries or dried fruit instead of crisps or sweets it's so easy to eat a whole packet of Haribo without even tasting it but replacing with fruit fills me up and tastes better if I am honest.
My snacks today |
Number 2 - Weighted hula hooping
This is the most fun I have had exercising in years. I saw an article on the Daily Mail about a lady who had done weighted hula hooping for 3 months and lost 5 inches off her stomach. I immediately decided I wanted to try this as my stomach is the area I really want to work on the most so I purchased one for £16 from Amazon. My god it hurts the first few days and I had bruises for about 10 days but 5 minutes every morning and every evening and I am already noticing the difference only 3 weeks later. I have got a before photo and I will keep going until my holiday in September and I will show you the after picture (if it's good enough) but I have high hopes.
Number 3 - Walk as many places as possible
This one is still a work in progress for me but as many places as I can, I am trying to walk there. I think this was a big aspect of my slimness as a youngster because I was walking everywhere without realising. As soon as I got a drivers license everywhere became a drive away so I am re-winding time and starting to walk.
That's it. I am in no way a health expert but these are just the things that have helped me and they could help you too.
Do you have any health tips? Let me know in the comments.