Thursday, 27 June 2013

Outfits of the week

Posting my outfit of the weekend and then getting quite busy over the past few days has put me behind on my outfits of the days. I have decided to put together one big post of this weeks' outfits so far and here they are.


The weather was weird on Tuesday, it was fine misty rain on and off all day, it was also a little chilly in the morning so I opted for this pinafore dress I got in the River Island sale. I think it was £10 and even though I know pinafores won't be in for more than a year or two I think £10 is fine to spend on a trend. Underneath the pinny I have got a lilac 3/4 length sleeve top and black leggings both from Forever 21. My shoes again are my Miss Selfridges nude ballet pumps which I clearly love more than I realised!

My hair was still straightened from the previous day so I just brushed that out. My makeup was bog standard black eyeliner and mascara. A pretty easy day all round I would say. 


It was warm and not raining therefore the legs had to come out. I wore this dress from Oasis (summer 2012) which I adore! It is navy with swallows and clouds on it with a cut out peter pan collar that has a mesh sewn into it (see pic for that awesome description). I added a very thin white cardigan as there was a small breeze in the air. 
My hair was in it's natural wavy state and I just twisted and pinned my fringe back. I accessorized with a simple gold/rosegold bumble bee necklace, again from Accessorize. 
My shoes are white half trainer things from Primark, I talked about them a few outfits ago.

Thursday (today)

The sun is shining! Rare and beautiful.
I have opted for this super cute skirt from River Island last year, I love the cherry print and I always feel like a tamed down Katy Perry in this skirt. It is teamed with a standard black vest top and grey knitted cardi from Primark (which has already come off due to the heat). My shoes are leather flipflops from Accessorize (can you tell I love that shop) I also have a small lion necklace on which I forgot to take a photo of. Ooops.. 

Tah-dah! Lots of outfits for you all to peek at. 

Penny Board!!

Be still my pounding heart.. 

Today lads and ladies my beautiful Penny board has arrived! I had to crawl into work an hour early just so I didn't miss the delivery driver AND it was already here when I got in. Luckily security had signed for it for me but it's here! In my possession, currently rocking my feet back and forwards under my desk. 

This is a big moment. 

A bit of history for you guys, I was a huge roller-blader until I was about 16 and couldn't squeeze my feet into my skates anymore and my brother was a boarder. Occasionally I did stupid things like boarding with a roller-blade on my pushing foot which always ended up in me covered in grazes (fun) but yes I won't do that on this little beauty. 

I literally am so excited I am going to explode. 

Thanks bornextreme for sending a whole load of retro sweets with my Penny too!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Getting Healthy

I hate exercise. 
Always have always will. 
I used to pretend to be ill on PE days at school or forget my kit in any attempt to get out of PE. I am not really sure why because when it came to sports days I loved it. The only thing I was ever good at in PE was running, fast 100m/200m running and then spending the next 40 minutes watching the boys running. 

I was lucky when I was a teenager though, I could eat what I wanted when I wanted and not gain any weight. It was great and I never appreciated it until it was gone. When I was about 17 I started to loose that beautiful teenage metabolism and went from a size 6 to a size 10. I remember not really noticing it happening and then one day at sixth form someone who was my friend said to me 'you are turning into a heffer' and from that day I was like ooooooooooooooh shit I need to do something. 

So ever since the age of about 17 I have tried all sorts of things to keep me at my size 10 figure. I am not trying to gloat or tell you things are amazing but I like my figure, there are of course things I would change but in general I would rather have some squishy bits than look like a bean pole with no boobs or bum. Here are my tips and tricks I have picked up to help keep my body at the size I like. 

Number 1 - Healthy eating
This is a tough one because I am a chocoholic but 3 days a week I try not to consume anything bad for me. I will have fruit for breakfast, cereal or salad for lunch followed by 2 cups of green tea and something yummy for dinner followed by more fruit.  I cannot tell you how good I feel on these days, it's like my body goes 'Phew! Thanks' and if you want to keep your weight down or loose weight try doing this 5 days a week. It really is good, but remember not to gorge on the bad stuff the other days just take have it in moderation. My other tip is making your snacks healthy going for things like nuts or berries or dried fruit instead of crisps or sweets it's so easy to eat a whole packet of Haribo without even tasting it but replacing with fruit fills me up and tastes better if I am honest.
My snacks today

Number 2 - Weighted hula hooping
This is the most fun I have had exercising in years. I saw an article on the Daily Mail about a lady who had done weighted hula hooping for 3 months and lost 5 inches off her stomach. I immediately decided I wanted to try this as my stomach is the area I really want to work on the most so I purchased one for £16 from Amazon. My god it hurts the first few days and I had bruises for about 10 days but 5 minutes every morning and every evening and I am already noticing the difference only 3 weeks later. I have got a before photo and I will keep going until my holiday in September and I will show you the after picture (if it's good enough) but I have high hopes. 

Number 3 - Walk as many places as possible
This one is still a work in progress for me but as many places as I can, I am trying to walk there. I think this was a big aspect of my slimness as a youngster because I was walking everywhere without realising. As soon as I got a drivers license everywhere became a drive away so I am re-winding time and starting to walk. 

That's it. I am in no way a health expert but these are just the things that have helped me and they could help you too. 

Do you have any health tips? Let me know in the comments.

Dior Disappointment

If you have read my other post on my perfume of the season you may have noticed the little mention about Dior Addict and how it is my favourite perfume ever, so whilst I was watching Fleur DeForce's high end makeup haul on YouTube I was amazed to see they had released a line of sister perfumes. 

I almost bought one from without smelling it, luckily I am waiting for payday and decided I would pick it up in store. Anyway on Saturday I found myself in a Boots store and they had all 3 of the  new addict line. I was like a kid in a candy shop, so excited picturing myself being torn over which one to buy.. 

Well safe to say I am glad I didn't buy online. 

I was SO disappointed, I really thought they were going to be these beautiful perfumes but they were all kind of meh.. no distinct smell, no real link to the original addict, not really much of anything. 

Dior you have failed me and that is hard to say because I adore you so much. 

What do you think of the Dior perfumes? Do you own one?

Outfit of The Day

 Hel-looooooooo friendlings. 

I am running a day behind with my outfit of the days due to the fact that yesterday I posted my outfit of the weekend and then completely forgot about posting Monday's outfit! So here it is, my least favourite day of the week's outfit. Pretty standard I would say. 

My top is from Forever 21, originally purchased because it looked like a top that Hanna wore in Pretty Little Liars. I love this top, it's great for work because it is pretty but not too over the top. I think it cost all of about £9 so a real bargain. Again machine washable and doesn't need to be ironed so a perfect addition to my wardrobe. 

Underneath the sheer pink F21 top I am wearing a primark black cami. My trousers are from Monsoon about 3 years ago and they are my favourite trousers ever. They are black treggings but they are so comfortable and thick I really would call them trousers, they are however starting to get holes in the seems where I have worn them so much. My heart will break a little when they are finally un-wearable. 

My earring are from Accessorize again about 2 years ago, they are matte black circles with a gold patterned circle in front (that was an awful description so look at the pic). I adore these earrings they are perfect for those days you just want one thing.

My makeup and hair was a little different to usual. I straightened my hair on Sunday and wore it down, I forget how long my hair is when it is straight! My makeup was liquid eyeliner and mascara and not much else. Again the people I work with aren't big into makeup so they don't really notice if I make an effort. Therefore I save it for a day when it is needed. 

My shoes <3 I love these shoes. They are Toms picked up from Amazon in January. I got them for £24, bargain for Toms! And omg they are so damn comfy. I want some more but I don't want to pay £40 so I will wait till Christmas when no one is buying them and Amazon cuts the prices way down.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Ebay Loving

I am a sucker for shopping. You may have guessed this already but I am an impulse buyer, my wardrobes are bursting at the seems. A lot of stuff I own because I saw it and thought I have to have it and then 2 days later realise 'I didn't need that at all'. 

I did it with a mobile phone this year and I am now stuck in a 2 year contract for the HTC 8X Windows Phone which I sold and I am back to using my Iphone 4 which has started to freeze and crash etc. So yes it is a problem and the first step in solving a problem is admitting you have it. So ladies and gentlemen I admit I am a shopping addict. 

Phew that felt good. 

Anyways over the weekend I decided it was time to cut the crap I don't need. No one needs clothes they haven't worn in the last 12 months, I mean seriously I have been though all the seasons and haven't worn it therefore it isn't required in my wardrobe. I went though my room and put together a big bag of all the stuff I haven't worn recently/won't wear again and I was shocked at how much I found. 

At that moment I decided not to be charitable and donate to the local charity shop. I put them on Ebay instead. Currently I have got 10 items up there (the maximum Ebay will allow) hoping to raise some money towards my car insurance which is due in 2 weeks time. 

I realised there is no point in keeping all my old clubbing and party dresses as I am not that person anymore. I hate clubs with a passion now and any parties I go to I always want to buy something new. So why keep these old numbers stashed in the wardrobes?

The same went for my old maxi dresses from Monsoon, at the time they were amazing but I am not in a job that I can wear them anymore and they are a bit over the top for lazing round the house. 

I could go on and on about all the stuff I have sold and why I have sold it but the main reason is sometimes it is good to change. Cut the old crap and re-invent yourself and that's why I am loving Ebay. I can get rid of all my old stuff that someone else will love and use the money towards something bigger and better. You should all have a go too, it's so much fun to watch the clock run down at the end of bidding.

What do you guys think about Ebay? Do you sell on there? Do you like it or hate it?

Outfit of The Weekend

Goood morning little chicklings on the internet. 

So this post is going to be my outfit of the weekend, mainly because I spent Sunday in my favourite trakkie bottoms and plain black tee. I don't think you all need to see that ;)

Saturday was a pretty standard weekend day, I went to Tescos and the cinema to see Man Of Steel, which sucked but I won't bore you with my hatred of that film in this post. It was pretty crap weather on Saturday, grey with on and off rain so I opted for this little combo. 

My top is from Next, and unfortunately quite see-through. I will have to wear another top underneath this next time as I am not a fan of showing people my bellybutton.

My leggings are from Amazon.. they are 'disco leggings' and probably one of the most comfortable items I own, however being a total short ass the wrinkled at the knees and stretched throughout the day. A real shame but they only cost £7 so I won't be loosing sleep. 

I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and didn't bother with any makeup as it was the weekend. 

And that was my standard weekend outfit.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Outfit Of The Day - Casual Friday

So I mentioned in my first ever outfit of the day that Friday's at work is casual Friday! Woooo! 
It is also the day the bakery comes and delivers a world of devilish goodies that sit on reception in front of me whispering 'I'm so tasty, come eat me..' and today the bastard doughnut won. but whatevs. I'm cool with it, you only live once and who wants to resist all the good things in life just to look like a Victoria Secret model. 
ANYWAY today I have gone seriously casual as all the bosses & management are out of the office so there is no-one here to tell me I am too casual.

So without further ado let me tell you all about my outfit today, my t-shirt is from Next. I picked this up on Saturday last week and have worn it twice already. I love it completely, it is so comfy, doesn't need to be ironed and basically everything I could ever need in a top. 

My jeans are Primarks finest, I picked them up back in February time but I think they were still in there at the beginning of the month so you might be lucky to find some. I really love this printed jean/trouser trend but I know it won't last so Primark is perfect for this trend that I don't want to splash too much cash on. 

My slip on shoes are also Primark at an amazing £3 I couldn't walk away. I will go back to pick up a few more pairs as they are some comfortable. 

My hair and makeup is pretty basic today, again side braided hair but today it is a fat fishtail braid. My makeup is mascara and that is all, it is Maxfactors clump defy. I couldn't really be bothered with anything this morning but I can't go without mascara. Ever. 

England, where art thou summertime?!

Good afternoon my little chicklings, how are we all today?

Safe to say I am pretty happy the humidity has finally broken in the UK but no surprises it has been followed by rain.. yayyy. This leaves me to ask where the hell has our summer gone?!

Once upon a time I can remember not being able to sleep because it was so hot outside. I can remember swimming in rivers & outdoor pools just to cool off. I can remember buying ice lollies and bbq food every weekend. And now.. now we just have constant grey and wet. 

I am someone who gets highly affected by the weather, it really gets me down when it isn't doing what it should be. I am a January baby and don't get me wrong I love our cold crisp winters, flurries of snow with a huge mug of hot chocolate but I am a real sun worshiper. When the sun comes out I am in it straight away and instantly a happy bunny, hence the need to go on sunny holidays seeing as England is becoming it's very own 50 shades of grey. 

How do you guys feel about the weather? Is it getting you down, or do you like the rain?

I can see from my blog overview that some of you are in America is it any better over there or are you getting un-seasonal heat?

So this little blog post is just to say WTF mother nature. I know we've messed your planet up with global warming and being crap tenants, I mean if the world was a house I had rented and I had treated it the way the human race has treated Earth, I would NOT be getting my deposit back. That being said, we could really use some sunny days... Please?
Thursday, 20 June 2013

Outfit Of The Day

Today is a hot and muggy day in the UK and the aircon in my office had died. Great...

Thankfully I learnt from yesterday that even a maxi skirt was going to be too hot in this humid heatwave we are going through so today I shortened my hemline quite drastically. My coral pleated skirt is from River Island, I picked it up in the sale about 2 years ago and it has been a great wardrobe staple. Perfect in the winter with thick tights and in the summer with a vest top like today.

My vest top is a plain black ribbed round neck from Marks and Spencers. Not much else to say about them.

My shoes are the same old Miss Selfridge nude ballet pumps I have been wearing all week. 

My hair I have pulled into a bun using one of the hair donuts and finished it with a pale yellow bow clip from Accessorize. I have pulled and twisted my side fringe back off my face to avoid it curling and frizzing out of control.

My necklace is my Mum's which her Dad got her from Persia (now Iran) when she was a teenager. I love love love this necklace, it's vintage silver goes with everything. 

And that's it. How are you guys coping with the humidity? Are you outside the UK? Is it hot where you are?

Debenhams Blue Cross Weekend

Being an ex-debenhams employee there always seemed to be some sort of promotion that involved hanging 50 million banners around the store every Tuesday night, but they never did this tax-free pricing on makeup whilst I was there. SAD FACE as all Debenhams employees get a further 20% off promo prices. 

So anyways starting today Debenhams have got all sort of deals and offers on in store and online. I am sharing this with you just in case you don't know because there are some amazing discounts to be had!

Here are some of my favourites - 
All MAC brushes and makeup 10% off
Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat 16% off
Clinique's CC cream 16% off
Benefit's POREfessional 16% off AND a free gift!

There is also 20% off throughout the store and an extra 20% off sale prices!


Perfume Of The Season

I am a huge huge huge fragrance lover. I could spend hours in a perfume shop just spritzing and smelling them all. 

I am very fickle with all but one perfume which is the original Dior Addict. I love the original Dior and whilst I was working at Debenhams as a visual merchandiser I bought the 100ml bottle and got a whopping 30% off, so that is my fave perfume ever buuuuut it's not great for daytime/summer wear and here I am going to tell you all about my perfume of the season which is dum dum duuuuuum... 

Victoria's Secret Tease Please
So here are the facts if you are deciding whether to get this - 
It's not cheap at £45 for 50ml (I picked this up at Bond Street, London store) but not the most expensive perfume in the world. 
It lasts for about 6-7 hours.
Gorgeous bottle with a vintage style pump. I also loved the box but sadly don't have a picture for you.
The product itself is lasting very well, I have worn it 3 days a week for about 2 months and hardly any is gone. It looks like more in the picture because its tilted back but its actually about 2mm down from the top.
The notes are bergamot, pink orchid and Brazilian wood but that means nothing to me. Go to a store and smell it and you will love it. 

This is my first Victoria Secret perfume but now I have one it's like pokemon, 
Gotta catch 'em all!

I would definitely recommend this to all my friends, I am also going to be putting this in a gift for my cousin who is getting married this year as a wedding day treat. 

Do you have any VS perfumes? What do you love about them?
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Outfit Of The Day

Wasssup guys. So today was a tough choice at 7:30am when I got dressed. According to my iphone last night it was meant to be raining all morning with thunder storms and all sorts. 

Now I am sitting at work and the sun is trying to break through the cloud to reveal some gorgeous sunshine. Trying being the main word there. So anyways I opted for a maxi skirt/vest top combo as there was no clear way of what the weather was going to be and I hate being cold. 

My maxi skirt is plain black, no slits or anything just a standard column skirt from F&F at Tescos. It cost me about £12 last summer, I am so glad I got this. It has become a wardrobe staple perfect for English weather. 

My top is from Dorothy Perkins last year it is a standard ribbed V-neck with some frilly embroidery you can't see because of my scarf.

My hair I have gone for a standard plaited side braid, again because of the weather I wasn't sure if I would be caught in a down pour of rain today. Also I am currently trying to grow my hair out and sometimes it really pisses me off so trying it back is easier at the moment. 

For accessories again both are from Accessorize, the bracelets are this season (something new at last!) and the scarf is about 3 years old from the autumn/winter collection. 

I must say that since starting this blog I had no idea how much I was wearing clothes I have had for ages. This has filled me with hope that I don't need to be buying new clothes all the time as I seem to have an endless amount of old stuff which is still in top condition.

Do you guys re-use old clothes? Do you suffer from a shopping addiction?

Links - 

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Outfit Of The Day

For those of you who don't know I work in an office Monday-Friday so a lot of my outfits will be work style. We do have casual Fridays so those looks will be a little different but on with today's look. 

Due to the weird weather we are having in the UK (grey and rainy but not cold) I have opted for a long sleeved jersey top from Dorothy Perkins (winter collection). Love this top, I have it in black and aubergine. Super easy to wear, great length for leggings too when you aren't at work.

My trousers are from Red Herring @ Debenhams, again last years autumn collection. They are a mauve chino style trouser and perfect for this odd weather. 

My shoes are satin ballet pumps with oversized bows on the toes and also Red Herring @ Debenhams. I have these in pink too but they can only be worn on 100% dry days otherwise they stain and get dirty. 

My jewelry is from accessorize, the earrings are gold leopard print with a glitter finish and my ring is the initial 'E' on a twisted band. 

My hair I have still got the waves from yesterday and I have twisted back the front sections in a half up half down style. Love this for days when your hair hates you.

Links - 

Monday, 17 June 2013

Reasons To Love TKMAXX

There are just so many reasons to love TKMAXX. I spend Sunday afternoon perusing around the store, loving all of it. It is one of those shops that if you like to browse you could spend hours in there. I took some little snaps as I was wondering around showing some of the goodies I found. 

The cushions I couldn't resist. £10 Each
The whole reason I went to TKMAXX was to find some scatter cushions for my bed. These are the ones I ended up walking out with, now I need a new bedspread to match but they were so cosy and cute I had to get them. 

Studded Shirt - £8

Sam Elderman Shoes - £38

Valentina bag - £50
This bag was seriously hard to walk away from. It's about 1ft long, cream with gold straps (looks a bit green, bad lighting) but honestly I loved it. £50 just wasn't a good enough discount to make me purchase though. 

I am spending a whole day in TKMAXX in a few weeks with Lauren ( where we will be vlogging/hauling our goodies. We decided you seriously need a whole day there to get through it all. After all we are bargain hunters and it will be a day well spent. 

Also I only discovered last night that TKMAXX has a webpage, I will be checking this all the time to get those really top discounted goods!

Do you love TKMAXX? Have you ever been there? Tell me what goodies you have got below. 

Outfit Of The Day

My hair was sectioned and plaited last night, I hate heat styling everyday so this is perfect for something that doesn't require heat. I also added some salt spray this morning and plaited back one section of hair.

For my makeup I have got a simple black flick on my upper eyelids and black/brown mascara.
My accessories are from all over the place. My necklace and interlocking ring are both from Accessorize a few years ago. I love Accessorize for their standard silver and gold bits, they never really go out of fashion. The heart shaped silver ring is from Sardinia Italy, I picked it up from a market stall. 
Double strand necklace from Accessorize 2011

Full outfit
For my outfit I have gone pretty casual for the day. My top is from next, it is white with neon pink polka dots. I love this top but it is a little see-through so for work I have worn one of primarks plain white cami tops underneath. 

My jeans are from M&S, they are their own brand Jeggings. I love them, perfect for the mild weather. 

My bag is from the Kardashian Kollection. This is possibly one of the best handbags I have ever owned. It can carry so much stuff, I have had it since January and only now is it starting to show some real wear and tear but because it is cream it's hardly noticeable. 

Friday, 14 June 2013

City of Dreams

Skyline from Staten Island Ferry 2010
I love New York. 

Not in the way that people say they love chocolate or the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars. 

I love it in the way that when I am not in New York City I miss it like a person. It is the only place on earth I have been that I can say when I go there it feels like visiting an old friend. 

People often say to me 'Why?' and the honest answer is I don't know, I think that everyone will find a place like it which is their own maybe it will be Paris or Thailand but for me New York is a part of who I am. 

NYC Times Square October 2010
I have been lucky enough to go twice and I will be returning  in the next year, but first up let me rewind a little and share some of my favourite experiences. 

I had never been to America until I was 16, in the first month of my AS levels when my family (Dad, Mum, Bro and Grandma) picked up and went to the US of A. 

We flew into Washington DC and did all the touristy things, went to the White House, The Capitol, Tyson's Corner (where I spent all my money). We were in DC for 4 days then we hopped on a train and made our way down to New York City. We went through Philly and Baltimore (not going to lie spent the whole train humming 'Good morning Baltimore' from Hairspray) and eventually pulled up at Grand Central Station, New York City. 
NYC Times Square September 2008

 If you are going to travel to New York from somewhere I highly recommend the trains, Grand Central is mind blowing.

Times Square on Halloween night
The moment I stepped out into the crazy heat of NYC (it was the beginning of September) I knew I was going to love it. We did Time Square, Broadway, rowing in Central Park, Staten Island, Ground Zero, Century 21, Wall Street, Natural History Museum, NBC Studios and of course shopping, eating and just wondering.. In 4 days. Needed another holiday just to recover from that! It was amazing and the moment I came home I knew it was my favorite place on earth.

Michael Jordan's signed Jerseys
The second time I went was in 2010 with my lovely boyfriend. We went 2 days after his 18th birthday and it was probably the best trip of my life so far. We were there over Halloween which is insane in the city. Being English and not caring too much about the holiday we were 2 out of 8 people we saw not dressed up. EVERYONE ELSE was in costume albeit very scary and a experience I will never ever forget. 

We spent a lot of this trip shopping. M&M store and NBA Store drained a lot of our time.

M&M Rainbow
 We accidentally stumbled into the set of 'Man on a Ledge' saw all the car chases, saw Sam Worthington chilling on the building, had cameras swinging around our head, walked through the crew area, past all the free sandwiches and out the other side before anyone told us we shouldn't be there. 

Part of the reason New York is so dear to me is because you never know where you will end up. The possibilities are endless.

Lots of people say to me "Don't you think you will love the rest of America as much as NYC?'"and my honest answer is I don't think I will but I will only know for sure after my road trip on the west coast next year. 
The bag that lasted forever

If anyone ever offers you the chance to go to New York, even if it is for 1 day do it. You will never regret visiting. 

And that's it, I just wanted to share my love of this fine city with you. Hope you enjoyed it!

Have you been to New York? Did you love it or hate it?
Or do you want to go? Let me know in the comments.

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