Saturday, 24 May 2014

Things to remember when starting a new job

As most of you on my little blog will already know I have had a bit of a rough time with jobs recently but my luck changed at the beginning of the month and I was offered a permanent role.
I started at said permanent role on Thursday just gone and I just wanted to lend an ear to any of you who may be in a similar situation.

So first up I am not sure if it is an actual anxiety issue or just how I react but the first few days for me are always impossibly overwhelming and they often end up in tears. I have felt my whole life I am usually good with meeting new people, however as soon as I know I am going to know them for X amount of time I freak out. Panic sets in and I immediately wish to be surrounded by my friends and family. I normally then become incredibly needy and irritating. 

This new job has been no different for me, I have struggled to keep smiling but I have to keep reminding myself that change is good. 

In times of trouble I find it best to look to the people in my life that I idolise like Walt Disney..

and Audrey.. 

At the end of the day it all comes down to taking a deep breath, remembering that it is only work and being grateful for the chance to prove myself somewhere new. 

I need to remember I can do this. It will just take time. 

If you are having a tough time leave a comment, I think talking and sleep are the cures to all of life's problems. 

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