Friday 20 December 2013

Breaking the shopping habit

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So as you may be aware I am on a big quest to save up to buy a house in the next 18 months. This requires saving every penny I possibly can.

You might also be aware of the fact I am a serial shopper, honestly I find it hard to not buy things but my boyfriend said something to me a few weeks ago that has really stuck. 

"You never have something you want because you just buy it" 
well hot damn he had a point, I was awful for seeing something I wanted and then buying it the next day and that is no way to live. 

I have struggled for the last few years to make Christmas lists and Birthday lists because there was never anything I really wanted as I already had it. 

Now I don't think the Boyf realised how much this has changed my outlook on shopping. With the hope of a house in the near future I feel like my outlook has changed. I am being careful with what I spend my money on, I'm not buying un-necessary items (like the new Naked 3 palette) and I am adding to my savings account on a regular basis. 

Finally I feel like I am breaking the shopping curse, after all I don't need this stuff. I have clothes and games and makeup. Why would I need more?

So with this enlightenment going on I have also un-subscribed from the hundreds of shopping e-mails and discount deals which makes a huge difference. 

I am also going into 2014 with the outlook of unless I NEED it, I will wait for a sale or a birthday.
Chances are I will crack occasionally but I genuinely feel I can break the habit of spending un-necessarily almost every week. 

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