Monday 24 June 2013

Ebay Loving

I am a sucker for shopping. You may have guessed this already but I am an impulse buyer, my wardrobes are bursting at the seems. A lot of stuff I own because I saw it and thought I have to have it and then 2 days later realise 'I didn't need that at all'. 

I did it with a mobile phone this year and I am now stuck in a 2 year contract for the HTC 8X Windows Phone which I sold and I am back to using my Iphone 4 which has started to freeze and crash etc. So yes it is a problem and the first step in solving a problem is admitting you have it. So ladies and gentlemen I admit I am a shopping addict. 

Phew that felt good. 

Anyways over the weekend I decided it was time to cut the crap I don't need. No one needs clothes they haven't worn in the last 12 months, I mean seriously I have been though all the seasons and haven't worn it therefore it isn't required in my wardrobe. I went though my room and put together a big bag of all the stuff I haven't worn recently/won't wear again and I was shocked at how much I found. 

At that moment I decided not to be charitable and donate to the local charity shop. I put them on Ebay instead. Currently I have got 10 items up there (the maximum Ebay will allow) hoping to raise some money towards my car insurance which is due in 2 weeks time. 

I realised there is no point in keeping all my old clubbing and party dresses as I am not that person anymore. I hate clubs with a passion now and any parties I go to I always want to buy something new. So why keep these old numbers stashed in the wardrobes?

The same went for my old maxi dresses from Monsoon, at the time they were amazing but I am not in a job that I can wear them anymore and they are a bit over the top for lazing round the house. 

I could go on and on about all the stuff I have sold and why I have sold it but the main reason is sometimes it is good to change. Cut the old crap and re-invent yourself and that's why I am loving Ebay. I can get rid of all my old stuff that someone else will love and use the money towards something bigger and better. You should all have a go too, it's so much fun to watch the clock run down at the end of bidding.

What do you guys think about Ebay? Do you sell on there? Do you like it or hate it?

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