Friday 21 June 2013

England, where art thou summertime?!

Good afternoon my little chicklings, how are we all today?

Safe to say I am pretty happy the humidity has finally broken in the UK but no surprises it has been followed by rain.. yayyy. This leaves me to ask where the hell has our summer gone?!

Once upon a time I can remember not being able to sleep because it was so hot outside. I can remember swimming in rivers & outdoor pools just to cool off. I can remember buying ice lollies and bbq food every weekend. And now.. now we just have constant grey and wet. 

I am someone who gets highly affected by the weather, it really gets me down when it isn't doing what it should be. I am a January baby and don't get me wrong I love our cold crisp winters, flurries of snow with a huge mug of hot chocolate but I am a real sun worshiper. When the sun comes out I am in it straight away and instantly a happy bunny, hence the need to go on sunny holidays seeing as England is becoming it's very own 50 shades of grey. 

How do you guys feel about the weather? Is it getting you down, or do you like the rain?

I can see from my blog overview that some of you are in America is it any better over there or are you getting un-seasonal heat?

So this little blog post is just to say WTF mother nature. I know we've messed your planet up with global warming and being crap tenants, I mean if the world was a house I had rented and I had treated it the way the human race has treated Earth, I would NOT be getting my deposit back. That being said, we could really use some sunny days... Please?

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