Monday 12 August 2013

History of Hair

For the past year and half I have been on a quest to grow my hair as long as possible, I have tried all kinds of potions and vitamins in a quest to get long flowing healthy locks. 
I thought that after 18 months of trying now would be a good time to reflect on how far my hair has come, so lets start at the very beginning (a very good place to start)!

Back in 2010 I went to New York with my lovely boyfriend and this was the state of my hair... 

To some people this might not look short, but to me it is so short mainly because I am lucky enough to have natural curls and frizz it automatically becomes 2 inches shorted than if it was straight. Here it is 2 inches below my shoulder with a pink streak that you can't really see. 

Lets fast forward to today and where my hair has got to in 3 years (remember I haven't cut it since May 2012).

This isn't the best photo I have showing the length but I will try and swap it over for a better one soon. As you can see my hair has grown a lot somewhere around 4/4.5 inches, for some people they could probably do this in a year buy my hair grows painfully slowly. I have ridiculously thick hair and I didn't look after it when I was young. 

I have invested in alot of products to aid the growth of my hair and here are the ones that did fuck all to help -

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment With Pro Growth Complex 200ml, this did nothing at
all. I wasted £10, used it as I was told and I noticed no hair growth at all. It says on the side of the pot to keep using until you get to your desired length..

so basically it's a scam. It's regular conditioner in a posh pot. Don't buy it!

Holland & Barrett's Hair, skin and nails tablets - Made my nails beautiful, didn't notice a difference in hair or skin. Waste of money. 

I'm really sorry Lee Stafford but your Hair Growth shampoo and conditioner didn't work either, they smelled great but again I noticed no difference. 

The best advice I can give for growing hair is to drink lots of water, deep condition your hair once a week, use strengthening shampoo (treseme is great and cheap) and use oils like Argan and virgin coconut. I find the oils have made the biggest difference and have helped my ends stay soft. 

Good luck! It is an arse growing hair but totally worth it in the end!

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