Monday 19 August 2013

Designer handbags: Why do we want them so badly?

For many many many years I have wanted a Marc by Marc Jacobs handbag. I looked every season at which one I would get if I were to ever part with the money but something always stopped me. 

I am not a rich person, I don't have a bottomless pot of money so spending £200+ on an bag would be a big deal in my life. For a little while this year I was adamant I would save up for a Chanel bag and then I realised it would be a total waste of money and that £1500 could go towards a house. So why have women all over the world fallen into the trap of thinking it is a good idea to spend the money on these handbags?

I'm not talking about celebrities and rich people here because to them it doesn't mean anything, but average people like you or me spend months saving up just so we can walk into Chanel or Dior and walk out 10 minutes later with a bag in our hands. 
It's silly really, I'm not saying everyone does this but everyone female in my life has at some point said 'I'd die for a Chanel handbag' or 'I will one day own a Marc Jacobs bag' and it makes me think why aren't we aspiring to more? Why aren't we aiming for the trip around the world or a down payment on a house? Why is a handbag our priority?

Now I know I said I wasn't talking about celebrities but I guess that is what it comes down to. We see Kylie Jenner aged 16 walking around with a Celine $3500 handbag and we think 'I want it' but for most of us it isn't a matter of nipping down to Selfridges and buying one, it is months of paychecks or splitting between credit cards (which is a bad idea and never do it kids). 

I have come to the conclusion that it starts from an early age. I see children as young as 8 or 9 walking around in Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister because their friends wear it. They queue in the cold waiting to get into the shops and they save up all their Christmas money just to buy a hoodie or tracksuit bottoms. At some point we then must change from wanting what our friends have to what celebrities have.

Back in January I bought a Cambridge Satchel from a discounted online store, I picked it up for £75. I thought I would use it forever, 3 weeks later of course I had swapped it over and now it collects dust in the bottom of my wardrobe. I can't help but wish I hadn't bought it and that was only £75.

 At the end of the day fashion goes in and out like the weather, would I still love a bag 12 months down the road? Probably not, I would want a new one.

How do you feel towards designer handbags? Do you own one? If so do you think it was worth the money?

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